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Basic Usage

Using one decorate the function, and use Val mark type and range of the arguments.

from oneface import one, Val

def print_person(name: str, age: Val[int, [0, 120]]):
    print(f"{name} is {age} years old.")

Note: Val(type, range) is same to Val[type, range].

# This is same to the previous defination
def print_person(name: str, age: Val(int, [0, 120])):
    print(f"{name} is {age} years old.")

You can also mark arguments using decorators in funcdesc:

from oneface import one
from funcdesc import mark_input

@mark_input("age", range=[0, 120])
def print_person(name: str, age: int):
    print(f"{name} is {age} years old.")

This code achieves the same effect as the previous example, and you can refer to the funcdesc for more information about the mark_input decorator.

Type and range checking

Functions decorated with one will automatically check the type and range of input parameters:

>>> print_person("Tom", 20)
Run: print_person
Arguments table:

 Argument  Type           Range     InputVal  InputType
 name      <class 'str'>  None      Tom       <class 'str'>
 age       <class 'int'>  [0, 120]  20        <class 'int'>

Tom is 20 years old.

If we pass parameters with incorrect type or range, it will raise an exception:

>>> print_person(100, -20)  # incorrect input type and range
Run: print_person
Arguments table:

 Argument  Type           Range     InputVal  InputType
 name      <class 'str'>  None      100       <class 'int'>
 age       <class 'int'>  [0, 120]  -20       <class 'int'>

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Nangu\Desktop\oneFace\tmp\", line 9, in <module>
    print_person(100, -20)
  File "C:\Users\Nangu\miniconda3\envs\oneface\lib\site-packages\funcdesc\", line 46, in __call__
    self.check_inputs(pass_in, errors)
  File "C:\Users\Nangu\Desktop\oneFace\oneface\", line 86, in check_inputs
    raise CheckError(errors)
funcdesc.guard.CheckError: [TypeError("Value 100 is not in valid type(<class 'str'>)"), ValueError('Value -20 is not in a valid range([0, 120]).')]

Turn-off arguments print

By default, oneface will pretty print the input arguments with a table. It can be turned off with the print_args parameter:

def print_person(name: str, age: Val[int, [0, 120]]):
    print(f"{name} is {age} years old.")

>>> print_person("Tom", 20)
Tom is 20 years old.

Create interfaces

Create a python module

from oneface import one, Arg

def print_person(name: str, age: Arg[int, [0, 120]]):
    print(f"{name} is {age} years old.")


This will create a Command Line Interface for print_person function. You can call this function in the Shell:

$ python Tom 20
Run: print_person
Arguments table:

 Argument  Type           Range     InputVal  InputType
 name      <class 'str'>  None      Tom       <class 'str'>
 age       <class 'int'>  [0, 120]  20        <class 'int'>

Tom is 20 years old.

If you want change to another interface, just change the .cli() to .qt_gui() or .dash_app(). Then run this file again:

$ python

You will got the Qt gui:


Or Dash web app: print_person_dash